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Background Screening Services In Africa

Background Screening Index 2014

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Background Screening Services In Africa

MIE offers detailed and specific Background Screening services in the following African countries:

  • Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

In 2014 we strengthened our operations in these regions by solidifying our in-country partnerships and by growing our product bundle:

  • MIE offers a comprehensive suite of Identity, Criminal, Credit, Qualification, Reference and Financial checks in most of the 16 countries listed above.
  • MIE can boast a sophisticated network of in-country suppliers who are specialists in their own right in Fraud Prevention, Risk Assessment and Corporate Governance.
  • Credit checks and Reference checks are currently the highest in demand.
  • Most products taper off towards the end of the year, but this trend is mainly due to employment volumes within the HR industry.

MIE is proud about our African expansion and passionate about Africa in general. 2015 is sure to be another year packed with excitement and growth. Please watch out for the release of SpotMIE; our cloud-based, supplier-network solution to background checks in Africa.

Should you be interested in finding out more about MIE in the rest of Africa, please do not hesitate to contact the MIE Africa Team for additional information. Or alternatively, send your requests to With just a little time and effort the MIE Africa Team will be able to design a screening program and HR solution to fit your organisational needs.